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The Relationship Between Changes in Basal Body Temperature and Menstrual Cycle

The basal body temperature of normal women varies with the menstrual cycle. Therefore, the monitoring of basal body temperature, to a certain extent, can help us understand the changing laws of the female reproductive system throughout the menstrual cycle. Some doctors said that as long as the temperature monitoring is accurate, it is the most economical method to judge ovulation and various menstrual diseases.

1. Changes in the basal body temperature of normal women

During the menstrual period and for a period of time after menstruation, the body will maintain a low temperature level, about 36.2 ℃ ~ 36.5 ℃. The body temperature is the lowest on the day before ovulation, and after ovulation, the body temperature will rise to between 36.7 ℃ and 37.0 ℃, and maintain it until the menstrual cramps. But in fact, it is not that the body temperature rises immediately after ovulation, and the rise within three days after ovulation is within the normal range. This is a typical standard two-way body temperature, but different people will show some differences.

2. The level of each person's basal body temperature curve also varies according to physical fitness

Some people may not have the lowest temperature measured, but ovulation is completely normal. Some people's overall body temperature may be relatively low, slightly lower than 36.2 ℃ ~ 36.5 ℃ in the low temperature period, and also lower than the standard body temperature in the high temperature period. Some people are the opposite, but as long as there are fluctuations and differences in high and low temperatures, and the nodes of the changes are consistent with the menstrual cycle, it is normal. Therefore, if you are also monitoring your basal body temperature by the basal body thermometer bluetooth, you don't need to worry because your values are different from others, but you should observe the law of your body temperature. If you keep a stable change law, it will prove that there is no problem.

Elevated body temperature is caused by the secretion of progesterone by the corpus luteum. Women's menstrual cycle starts with the first day of menstrual redness. The length of the cycle varies from person to person, ranging from 21 to 35 days, with an average of about 28 days. The ovulation day is the interval, and it is divided into pre-ovulation days. The follicular phase and the luteal phase after ovulation. The follicular phase varies in length, but the luteal phase is generally fixed at around 14 days. After ovulation, the ovary forms the corpus luteum and begins to secrete progesterone, which will raise the body temperature by about 0.2-0.5°C. Shecare, a professional digital thermometer manufacturer, provides high-quality products and solutions for our customers.

3. Judgment of abnormal basal body temperature

The high temperature period lasted for an average of 14 days (ranging from 12 to 16 days). If there is no pregnancy, the corpus luteum atrophies after 14 days, the secretion of progesterone stops, the body temperature drops, and menstrual cramps occur. If you are already pregnant, the corpus luteum is supported by the embryo secreting chorionic gonadotropin, and it transforms into a pregnant corpus luteum, which will continue to secrete progesterone, and the high temperature will continue. After understanding the above principles of body temperature change, when the body temperature changes abnormally, you can have a general judgment on the function and status of the reproductive system:

(1) If the body temperature increases by 0.2~0.5℃ within 24 hours, or even higher, it means that the ovary is in a state of ovulation.

(2) If there is no change in body temperature and continuous low temperature, it may indicate poor ovarian function, neither ovulation nor corpus luteum formation.

(3) If the high temperature period is short (less than 12 days), it may be due to poor corpus luteum function after ovulation.

(4) If the body temperature does not drop quickly but slowly after menstruation, it is atrophy of the corpus luteum, which is often manifested as prolonged menstruation.

(5) Women who are married or have sexual partners, if the high temperature period exceeds 16 days, they should go to the hospital to determine whether they are pregnant. However, some people have menstrual periods after the high temperature period exceeds 17 days, but most of them are within 12 to 15 days.

(6) Generally, the high temperature period of the basal body temperature is longer, which can last for 13 to 14 days, which means that the quality of the eggs is good.

When monitoring body temperature, there will be some errors due to irregular operation. It is normal to have a small fluctuation in the value. You don't need to worry too much. In order to minimize errors, it is best to insist on monitoring when you wake up in the morning. However, if you can't, you should try to keep the same time period for monitoring your body temperature every day.

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