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Basal Body Temperature's This Little Change, Helps You Measure Good Pregnancy in Just One Week

Using basal body temperature for pregnancy preparation can detect temperature changes

When we want to prepare for pregnancy and catch that precious egg, our body will give us signals. By measuring the basal body temperature during pregnancy preparation, the temperature changes throughout the menstrual cycle are as follows:

  • During menstruation and follicular phase, the basal body temperature is in the low-temperature phase.

  • After ovulation, due to the secretion of progesterone by the corpus luteum, the basal body temperature will rise by 0.2~0.5℃.

  • During the luteal phase, the basal body temperature remains at a high temperature of about 14 days until the next menstrual cycle.


This is a typical basal body temperature biphasic. If the basal body temperature diagram of a digital thermometer maintains a high temperature for more than 18 days, it is highly likely to be pregnant. Many sisters will pay attention to their basal body temperature trend after ovulation, especially 10-14 days after ovulation, by measuring early pregnancy bulk ovulation strips, monitoring symptoms, and hoping to detect early signs of pregnancy as soon as possible. Today, Prenatal Orange wants to tell you good news that by adhering to standard basal temperature measurements by using the smart basal thermometer, you can detect early signs of pregnancy within a week after ovulation. Research has found that if the basal body temperature climbs another level on days 5-8 after confirming the ovulation with a basal body temperature biphasic, it is very likely to help you detect early pregnancy even earlier.

Basal body temperature can help you detect early pregnancy earlier

Before ovulation, the ovaries are in the follicular phase, and estrogen is secreted more. During the luteal phase after ovulation, the ovaries not only secrete estrogen but also release more progesterone to prepare the uterus for the possible arrival of fertilized eggs. Progesterone acts on the hypothalamic temperature center, and the basal body temperature will quickly rise by 0.2-0.5℃. If the fertilized egg implants in the uterus on days 5 to 8 after ovulation, there will be more progesterone secretion to support the development of the embryo, causing a second rise in basal body temperature. The temperature curve of the entire cycle appears to be triphasic. Sisters, who are waiting for the prize, hurry up and share your basal body temperature curve!

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