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Frequently Asked Questions About Basal Body Temperature

Although measuring basal body temperature is a trivial matter, it is not easy to persist every day. If you want to see your own ovulation status, you have to keep recording your menstrual cycle for at least one period. It is a pity that although it is recorded and the results are seen, many sisters still don't know much about the level and rise of basal body temperature. Below is a summary of the 3 most frequently asked questions, to see if you also have these doubts?

1. Is the ovulation day the day with the lowest basal body temperature?

First of all, we know that the normal BBT chart in BBT tracking APP with ovulation is a biphasic curve with obvious high temperature and low temperature areas. The temperature difference between the high temperature zone and the low temperature zone is generally around 0.3°C-0.5°C. So when is the ovulation day? Is it the day with the highest basal body temperature or the day with the lowest?

Generally speaking, the ovulation day is the day when the basal body temperature is the lowest. Before ovulation, our adrenal glands will secrete a small amount of progesterone, so everyone's basal body temperature is low temperature, generally around 36.2°C. When we ovulate, as the follicle ruptures, the estrogen levels in our body drop dramatically, leading to a drop in body temperature. After ovulation is over, the corpus luteum begins to secrete a large amount of progesterone and estrogen, so our body temperature will also rise sharply. Basal body temperature rises within 24-48 hours after ovulation. While it's likely that the day with the lowest basal body temperature is the day of ovulation, that's not always the case. Due to the influence of the ambient temperature and the operation of the thermometer, the basal body temperature is prone to errors, and each person's constitution is different. It may take 48 hours after ovulation for the body temperature to rise. In this way, the ovulation day is the day after the extremely low temperature.

2. Basal body temperature does not rise significantly after ovulation

Many sisters asked why the basal body temperature did not rise significantly when checked by smart basal thermometer after ovulation. Generally speaking, the basal body temperature will have an error of 0.3-0.5°C after ovulation compared with before ovulation. If it is lower than this value, it may be caused by dysplasia of the corpus luteum. If the corpus luteum is underdeveloped and declines prematurely, it will secrete less hormones, and sometimes it cannot maintain the endometrium, causing irregular shedding and bleeding, resulting in a less rise in body temperature. Therefore, if you have these symptoms at the same time, for example, there is a small amount of vaginal bleeding a few days before coming to the aunt, the high temperature period measured by the basal body temperature is less than 12 days, the body temperature fluctuates greatly during the luteal phase, and the endometrial examination shows poor glandular secretion, etc. situation, we should pay attention to this problem. If it's just that the body temperature does not rise much after ovulation, but the high temperature period and low temperature period are normal, and there are no other abnormalities, then it doesn't matter.

3. Why is the basal body temperature always low?

If the basal body temperature has been continuously low, there is no high temperature period, and there is no biphasic change of high and low temperature, then be careful, because it is likely that there is no sign of ovulation. Because the principle of the formation of the basal body temperature of the electronic thermometer diagram is affected by the progesterone (progesterone) secreted by the corpus luteum formed by the ovary after ovulation, the body temperature is low before ovulation, and the body temperature is high after ovulation. If there is no two-phase change between high and low, then either you are pregnant , or there is no ovulation. Generally speaking, if you have been in high temperature for a long time, you are likely to be pregnant. On the contrary, if you have been in low temperature, you may not have ovulated. Therefore, if your basal body temperature has not fluctuated (a difference of 0.3-0.5°C), and there is no obvious high temperature zone and low temperature zone, it is likely that you are not ovulating. As we all know, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and she can't conceive successfully if she doesn't ovulate. Therefore, if you find that your basal body temperature has been very low and does not fluctuate, you need to go to the hospital for a thorough examination to see what is wrong, and then prescribe the right medicine.

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