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The Role of the Basal Body Temperature Curve

1. Basal body temperature chart to judge whether ovulation

Generally, the basal body temperature in the follicular phase is 36.2°C~36.4°C, and it rises by 0.3°C~0.5°C in the luteal phase, so biphasic manifestations appear, indicating ovulation. If there is no later rising body temperature curve in the monophasic type, it indicates anovulation, and its accuracy rate 70%~80%. In addition, the basal body temperature can also roughly see the quality of the ovulated eggs. The high temperature period of the basal body temperature is longer, which can last for 13 to 14 days, which means that the quality of the eggs is good.

2. Basal body temperature chart to diagnose early pregnancy and judge early pregnancy

If the high basal body temperature lasts for more than two weeks, consider going to the hospital for an examination, because you may be pregnant. If ≥ 20 days, it can be determined as early pregnancy. In the first trimester, the basal body temperature of electronic thermometer diagram gradually decreases, indicating insufficient luteal function or poor placental function, and there is a tendency to miscarriage.

3. Basal body temperature chart to observe corpus luteum function

BBT should rise immediately after ovulation and remain at a high level for ≥ 11 days. If the BBT rises in a ladder shape and the curve takes 3 days to reach a high level or the BBT rises steadily for less than 11 days, it can be diagnosed as luteal phase insufficiency.

4. The basal body temperature chart indicates other lesions

If the BBT in BBT tracking APP does not decrease during menstruation, there may be endometriosis or early subclinical miscarriage. Absorption heat will be generated after bleeding of endometriosis lesions. When BBT in patients with primary amenorrhea is biphasic, uterine amenorrhea should be considered, such as congenital absence of uterus or endometrium destruction due to tuberculosis of the reproductive tract.

Everyone may know that the basal body temperature will rise immediately checking with smart basal thermometer after ovulation, but which day is our ovulation day? If the temperature rises by 0.3°C~0.5°C the next morning, then the previous day is likely to be the lowest temperature (because the corpus luteum is formed after ovulation, and then the corpus luteum secretes luteinizing hormone to make the body temperature rise); ) can immediately AA. If you delay playing until evening, because it has been 48 hours since the previous morning, you will not conceive.

Although the effect of basal body temperature is very good, it is easily affected by the outside world, and sometimes it fluctuates greatly, so it must be measured in the morning of the third day. If it is still high, it is absolutely sure that ovulation has occurred. three days) have intercourse again; experts believe that having intercourse with an interval of more than 24 hours between two times will help increase the probability of conception.

But if the body temperature drops, it means that the previous day was a false high temperature, so you can't have sex that night, and wait for the next morning to measure again. If the body temperature rises, have sex again in the morning, and then the actions on the fifth day will be carried out as described above. It is believed that this low-temperature method can easily help some young couples with normal sexual function but busy work to have a child sooner. Generally speaking, the basal body temperature is measured between 5:00 and 9:00 every morning, and the body temperature performance will not be affected by getting up at night to go to the toilet or walking around. As for female friends who work night shifts, they can be measured after sleeping for 6-8 hours.

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